Thursday, January 22, 2009


First blog entry, pretty sweet! first day of class turned out pretty good. i gave my choice for my 15 hours, i am waiting for the okay from Dr. Bogad, but just to give a heads up to the school of my choice i swung by there, told them about the class and pretty much got the okay from them! should rule. YEAH! WOOOOOOO!


  1. What kind of history are you into?

  2. Hey Dave,

    You are all set to go at the MET so go ahead and make a contact. Just remember that your goal is to TUTOR so you will have to figure out how to make that work in the less-traditional curriculum at the MET.

    LB :)

  3. Hey I like the idea of that school, I did not know that they had high schools like that until now...I wish i did, lol...

  4. Hey Dave,

    I am a Dan Brown fan too... Do you know they are making a movie about Angels and Demons??


  5. Yeah being in a big family has its pros and cons....and yeah my older brother actually went into the airforce, instead of college...or before college? haha but yeahhh
